This is a feeling most of us know all too well. Given the time and age we are living in and even just by virtue of being human this is a common feeling. Please click read through and share.
Anxiety…. I would have googled the definition but I want to explain the feeling the way it hits me.
I would be lying if I said I didn’t go through it because I do and it hits even the strongest figures, those people with the best energy the ones who like they cannot be bothered by anything.
Back to what anxiety feels like for me and note that I wrote ‘ME'. I feel like there’s something I’m missing but at the same time my heart feels heavy & it eats up every bit of energy I have. I feel restless.
And if you’ve read anything I’ve written I’ll always tell you to talk to someone you trust about it because you deserve someone to hear you out.
Find what triggers your anxiety retrace your steps see what has you feeling the way you do. Write it down in a journal to figure out a pattern in your anxiety and what triggers it.
Take some time off to clear your head, focus on other things, listen to music, write, read anything to distract you and make you happy.
Accept that you cannot control everything you are not God! We are often victims of taking things to ourselves like we can fix them but honestly that’s not your responsibility. Do what you can do, do your best and if that doesn’t work leave it in the hands of God.
So do your best and accept that you tried and be proud of it.
Count to 10 and take deep breaths inhale and exhale slowly relax yourself.
And I know it’s easier said than done but we need to try and help ourselves because we are the best person to fix our feelings.
If your anxiety persists go and see a doctor because anxiety disorder is an actual thing, get professional help.
It’s ok if you experience anxiety from time to time because we live in a generation where life as a whole is insane just don’t let yourself go and get sucked into everyday madness.
And for my Christian brothers and sisters read the bible it really does help for starters you can go through Philipians 4:6.
I don’t think I emphasized on how much God’s word does help. I’ve seen people say things like “if I tell you what I’m going through and you tell me to pray or read the bible, I’ll block you.” Well definitely it’s important to listen to one speak and offer you help.
However, prayer and the word of God with the help you get from someone works wonders. Sometimes we don’t even need to speak to people if you just sit and talk to God or read an encouraging verse, believe me when I say you’ll feel so much lighter.
Remember there’s still good people in the world not everyone is working against you. So open up to the right people and get whatever you’re feeling off your chest.
-Angel Jade Chitandika xx

Angel Jade Chitandika
Hi Friends, thank you for stumbling upon my blogging site. I'm Angel Jade Chitandika, a Psychology student. I started this blog to express my thoughts and hopefully let someone know they aren't alone and share insight on how you can possibly deal with what you're going through. So feel free to like, comment & share. Reach out to me if you can it would really warm up my heart, stay safe xx.
I'm glad I read this because I good relate to most of the things.
Nice write-up!!!