University Survival Pack
There's so much that goes into being in University/College that goes unsaid. Hopefully this helps!
Being in university has been a whirlwind of emotions and adaptation. Even in my second year I come back to school and I feel like I have it under control and I don’t.
Nonetheless, I still have made some observations that I believe could help you navigate through the ‘jungle’ university is. I feel like something that has helped/helps me get through every other semester is having a couple of senior friends, people that are ahead of you in studies/academic years, just so that you can get some strength not only by looking at how far they have gone in their studies but also to get some sound advice and encouragement. I’ve found it helpful to have a second, third, fourth year friend.
Second on my list is ‘study at your own pace!’ and I cannot stress this enough. Many are the times when we want to work the way our friends are working but I strongly encourage you to study/work in a way that works for you and stick to that and work with that. There’s a notion that goes around that states that ‘studying in first year isn’t necessary’, however our minds work differently if we are being completely honest. So, if you feel the need to study do it.
To wrap this up, I’d like to make the mention of preparing to live with people. It is a known fact that you are going to have roommates in university unless or otherwise. This is where the preparing to live with people comes in, I feel like in this aspect be open and expectant of anything. In addition, find ways to control feels like anger and frustration so that they do not get in the way of your relationships with your roommates. Because if we are being completely honest feelings are temporal and for us to let them control or possibly ruin relationships in a few minutes doesn’t really make sense. Try to muster up the art of speaking only when necessary, it’ll save you a lot of time and energy too.
-Angel Jade Chitandika.

Angel Jade Chitandika
Hi Friends, thank you for stumbling upon my blogging site. I'm Angel Jade Chitandika, a Psychology student. I started this blog to express my thoughts and hopefully let someone know they aren't alone and share insight on how you can possibly deal with what you're going through. So feel free to like, comment & share. Reach out to me if you can it would really warm up my heart, stay safe xx.
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